News this week that Cisco is acquiring workload portability tool CliQr comes hard on the heels of Oracle‘s acquisition of Ravello Systems. While the price tag is half of the estimated $500 million that oracle paid for Ravello, it’s still an impressive deal for a company that has raised a relatively modest $38 million.
Both Ravello and CliQr (not to mention the other handful of similar vendors) offer a service that is, broadly speaking, a variation on the theme of workload portability. While different vendors have different propositions tied to this (cloud bursting, testing and development, security sandboxing, etc.), the core premise is essentially the same: the ability to take a workload, perhaps one sitting on on-premises infrastructure, and to bundle it up and shift it en masse to another piece of infrastructure. often this is articulated as an on-premises to cloud move, but similarly, it can happen the other way.
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