PowerbyProxi has developed a cool technology whereby power can be transmitted to products without wires. For example, the technology allows the wireless charging of cellphones or the powering-up of industrial robots.
John Deere USA has taken an equity stake in the company along with committing to purchasing significantly from PowerbyProxi.
It sounds like a technology with almost limitless potential applications and so I’m picking PowerbyProxi as one to watch in the next few years.
Is this the same people as ‘Contactless Technologies’ that were the runners up in the 2003 SPARK $4ok challenge? (see here – http://www.spark.auckland.ac.nz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=69&Itemid=94)
Sounds like a fantastic idea, one to watch indeed…
Good stuff! Another Gallaghers in the making perhaps?
Let’s hope they maintain their HQ here in New Zealand, unlike a few others I could name.