At the recent I Love APIs conference that Apigee held in San Jose (disclosure, Apigee is a consulting client of Diversity Limited, but I had no insight into these announcements), the company announced Apigee Health APIx, a platform that is laser-focused on enabling digital solutions to be built on top of health data. The timing of the company was impeccable since the recently promulgated FHIR regulations (FHIR stands for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) dictates that personal health data should be available not only to the relevant health practitioners but also to the patients themselves. FHIR is a draft standard that describes data formats and APIs for exchanging electronic health records to enable healthcare companies to securely share data with each other and mobile apps and meet certification guidelines set by the U.S. government. As such, FHIR is going to rapidly accelerate the requirement and usage of health data-related APIs.
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