“Code customers only make up 8% of our customer base (today), it shows you the move from code to SaaS, 100% of our customers used to be code” – this was a quote I noticed on a staff members…
Why is it that doomsayers popup every now and then with a completely negative message and somehow manage to get major press. Harry Debes, CEO of Law Software has publicly declared that the sky will fall on SaaS (Software…
Our development team have been working on an integration module between our ProWorkflow application and Xero. ProWorkflow is web based project management software and XERO is web based accounting software. Both operate under a SaaS (Software As A Service)…
I’ve been talking to someone today about what the software industry and SaaS game is like to work in. Just saying it’s “fast-paced” or “ever changing” didn’t quite cut it. Those of us in the industry will appreciate my…
About a year ago, I did a series of YouTube vids for a laugh and also to share some advice I’ve learnt along the way developing www.proworkflow.com with our talented team. Although I’m a year older now, and a…
Rod Drury wrote an interesting post over on his blog about what he would do if in charge of Microsoft. Have a read of the post – here’s the link: http://www.drury.net.nz/2008/05/24/if-i-was-in-charge-2/ But as much as I agree with nearly…
It’s a hard balance being in the Software/SaaS (Software as a Service) industry. We can put lots of time and focus into systems and development, but sales may suffer… or we focus on sales and then development suffers… ProActive…
Our SaaS business focuses on a project management solution we rent to a global userbase (servers in the USA, the business is remotely run from NZ). No matter how hard we drive home the ‘Value & ROI’ message, there’s…
I just found this article about the size of the SaaS market in New Zealand. Have a quick read as it’s interesting Here’s the article (and the first paragraph)… ——————– Software-as-a-Service Ups Its Game in New Zealand “Market Expected…