Check this out. BF market cap plummets simply through the sale of $1000 shares. Apparently a number of investors paid for their shares with credit cards. Sheesh – I can’t believe how New Zealanders could go onto an IPO like this without proper assessment.
I liken it to the current residential investment property boom – ma and pa investors jumping on the tail end of a plateauing market.
Yet another reason that we need some high level financial literacy education in our curriculum.
Hi Ben,
First of all I enjoy your blog very much, however it’s interesting that you continue to take pot shots at Burger Fuel yet won’t say a bad word about Xero in regard to their less than stellar performance to date.
Martin – thanks for your comment.
Firstly I think if you look through my posts you will see that I have made some criticisms of Xero as well. I had concerns about their business model but, having talked to Rod Drury, I am more confident that they are viable. Notwithstanding that I think that my comments re the BF listing were related to (in my opinion) an amateur listing in comparison to Xero. Sure the Xero share price has dropped as well but bear in mind that Xero achieved their $15mill capital raising and BF did not.
At the end of the day perhaps my vision is skewed by the fact that it is my opinion that enterprises like Xero are the future of our country and I find it hard to imagine how BF will scale their business