• Craft costs more. Handmade bicycles and the world’s toughest jackets included.


    Back in my younger years, I was a distinctly uncompetitive competitive cyclist. Back in those days, the 1990s, we used to wait for a month to find out the results of the Tour de France. There was no Sky…

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  • Business, it’s all about hustle…


    The great thing about running ultra marathons as opposed to running shorter running races is that it gives the participant a chance to go slow, stop often and eat lots of food. My running career started off with far…

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  • Modern classrooms and barefoot running…


    Anyone who has read the book Born to Run will know the trend that was Barefoot Running. The writer spent some time watching an obscure Mexican tribe, the Tarahumara Indians, that does long-distance running races in the canyons of…

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  • Knowing when you’re done…


    I’ve written before about my inglorious career as an electrician. While I absolutely appreciate the practical and life skills that completing an apprenticeship gave me, it’s fair to say that electrician-ing wasn’t my sweet spot. I simply didn’t enjoy…

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  • Houses, homes, the building trade and quality


    I’m forever amazed by the wisdom that one can find down at the local cafe. I’ve been going for fairly regular morning coffees to my local for decades now. Pro tip: if you’re in Christchurch and looking for the…

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  • Driving wisdom from opinionated workmates


    It’s amazing the pearls of wisdom that one can gain in an unlikely setting. 35 years or so ago I completed an electrical apprenticeship and worked with many characters along the way. One of those characters, Grant, had a…

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  • Celebrating genuine productive work


    The other day, I was the first person on the scene of a nasty car crash on my commute home. Being a former paramedic, and a current firefighter obviously, I began helping those involved in the accident. I ended…

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  • Life inside the pressure cooker of professional service firms


    My lads are in their early twenties and, as such, many of their friends are finishing up university degrees and heading out into the real world. Maybe it’s a function of both the region they grew up in and…

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  • Global commerce and our connections…


    I’m a political mongrel. Over my life, I’ve voted across the political spectrum. Whenever I do those slightly dodgy-feeling political surveys, that always feel like a precursor to ads for erectile dysfunction meds or weight loss pills, I always…

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  • Keeping active the key to long life


    I often bemoan the fact that I’m getting older. Among my regular running mates, I’m generally the first to lay claim to being an old, sad, broken and washed-up runner. In reality, the truth is that despite waking up…

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