Print media is so out of touch with reality…
News this morning that Fairfax media hired casual staff in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch to remove pages 5 and 6, 45 and 46 from about 200,000 copies of the Sunday Star Times liftout last week after it was discovered that… shock horror… a link was printed to a website run by porn queen Suzanne Portnoy. This raises two interesting, and somewhat dichotomous, points;
- It’s available to anyone with an internet connection, a browser and a search engine – censorship is futile
- If it’s that outside the tastes and interests of your readership, why print it at all – isn’t it merely low brow titillation otherwise?
Fairfax lost out both ways – first by scraping the barrel and printing the dribble and then by a last ditch attempt to censor it
Wow – I found this article as a trackback from my blog. Porn Queen?? Hardly. I am a divorced, middle-aged, single mother of two teenagers. I have written two sex confessionals, the first of which was a bestseller and the second of which has only just come out in the U.K. I can only assume that the article the Herald published was syndicated from the London Sunday Times magazine, who published a cover story on me a few weeks ago and mentioned my blog. The story was about the rise of the sexually liberated middle-aged woman and about my lifestyle. I haven’t made a porn film in my life. Interesting how the media chose to spin this story.
Well makes a change from boring old Saas 🙂