I’m proud that the Cloud community has got behind the Haiti relief effort. Having some friends who have lost close family members to the earthquake brings home to me the impact of a disaster on the scale of this one – especially in such a poor country as Haiti. CloudCamp is running a virtual event and, in an unprecedented occurrence for the normally free-to-attend events, attendees will be charged a USD25 fee with proceeds going to Haiti disaster relief.
CloudCamp Haiti is a virtual unconference held as a public webinar. CloudCamp-in-the-Cloud builds upon the popular CloudCamp format by providing a free and open place for the introduction and advancement of cloud computing. For this event, we are raising funds to donate to the aid effort in Haiti.
Please help us spread the word, twitter, facebook, IM, tell your neighbours and friends. Attendees can register here.
The event is being held Jan 20th 11:00am – 2:00pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) and if you’re interesting in getting involved as a presenter contact John Willis (john.willis AT zabovo.com). Interested in sponsoring? Contact Dave Nielsen (dave AT platformd.com).
The agenda for the event is below:
- 11:00am – 11:30am – Sign in and registration (Main Room)
- 11:30am – 11:45am – Introductions & Overview (Main Room)
- 11:45am – 12:30pm – Lightning Talks (Main Room)
Lightning Talks – TBD
- 12:30pm – 1:00pm Unpanel Choosen by attendee’s of CloudCamp Haiti (Main Room)
- 1:00pm – 2:00pm Break Out Sessions – Round 1
1. Unconference Room #1: main gotomeeting room (TBD)
2. Unconference Room #2: 2nd gotomeeting room (TBD)
- 2:00pm – 2:30pm CloudCamp Haiti Wrap up (Back in “Main Room”)
Putting on my regional CloudCamp organiser hat for a minute, if you’re unable to attend the virtual event, be sure to check out the schedule of CloudCamps – there’ll be one coming to your town soon!