Cloud management company CloudKick, a Y Combinator startup, is launching its commercial product and announcing they now support the Rackspace Cloud, Amazon EC2, Linode, GoGrid, Slicehost, RimuHosting,
and VPS.NET.
The CloudKick offering enables users to control cloud infrastructure from multiple different vendors, all from one dashboard which allows both monitoring and management of an infrastructure setup.
CloudKick is built on the open source Libcloud API that CloudKick also helped develop under the guidance of the Apache Software Foundation Incubator
Features now available in the Cloudkick toolset include:
- Load, CPU, bandwidth, and memory monitoring
- Alerts including SMS and Email
- Advance and innovative performance graphs
- Diagnostics performance
- Autosetup
- Multiple users per account
- Change-log tool
Cloudkick will continue to offer its original feature set to customers for free. Plans with advanced features activated range from $99 to $599/month depending on the number of servers. Cloudkick also offers customized packages for customers with larger or more specific needs.
There’s a fair bit of competition in this space, Rightscale offers similar functionality to Cloudkick – pursuing an open source strategy and getting cloud vendors on board to help develop Libcloud looks likely to increase vendor buy in – customer buy in will be determined by how fast new cloud providers can be added, the feature set CloudKick continues to roll out and the price comparison between them and their competitors.