Frank Jara is a Sales Consultant talking with customers on a daily basis. Recently he sent us an email to tell us how impressed he was with the material which he’s been using with his customers, partners and colleagues. I wanted to find out what it was about CloudU that Frank was really impressed with and so had a quick conversation with him. Here’s some questions and answers.
Q – Why is there such a need for Cloud U?
A – Cloud is still a thought not a true definition to many people. Customers, partners, colleagues, and I myself need to understand all the different interpretations of cloud. Cloud means different things to many people, and I think CloudU is giving a true definition to cloud. This is why I recommend it to anyone that wants to learn more.
Q – Where are people at in terms of cloud understanding?
A – New people I speak to see cloud as a blur. They see it from a very high level, but one person at a time were clarifying their cloud perception and adding to the revolution. I think once customers try it they fully understand how it works and love it. I do notice that they love it even more when they have someone reliable to hold their hand along the way.
Q – What specific fears/barriers does CloudU answer?
A – CloudU provides real facts, good and bad, but this gains peoples trust. These facts show that cloud is a good fit for everyone but not everything at the moment. CloudU shows that this is the future and one day it will be for everyone and everything.
Q – How are people actually using the program from what you’ve seen?
A – Everyone that wants to know more on cloud really likes CloudU. I don’t have a specific number, but mostly everyone that I recommend it to see’s value in CloudU.
It’s always gratifying to get this sort of feedback and it’s nice to know we’re providing people with real value. Feel free to join the CloudU community on LinkedIn and become part of engaging and active discussions.