DigitalOcean is a confusing sort of a vendor. Every time the list of leading public cloud vendors comes out, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is #1, with Microsoft Azure, Google Compute Platform and IBM SoftLayer fighting for the bridesmaid slots. We never hear of DigitalOcean in those reviews. That is partly because some people argue about what constitutes cloud and whether DigitalOcean should really be there.
While these semantic arguments about “true” and “false” clouds go on, however, DigitalOcean has quietly (and not so quietly) been building scale. The company is growing rapidly, indeed, two years ago there had been around 1.5 million Droplets (its term for cloud servers) launched. Today, that figure has grown some 800 percent to 13 million. The company has around 700,000 all-time users and is adding 20,000 customers per month.
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