Well funny for some, awfully tragic for others….
In my web travels I stumbled upon this blog, announcing (or not quite) MYOB’s on-demand SME accounting product Business Basics Online.The announcement goes;
we’ve kept a watchful eye…., particularly through our strong relationships with NZ banks, who have kept us alert to the dramatic increase in use of Internet Banking over the last twelve months.
So now the time seems right for us to present MYOB BusinessBasics Online
(in other words Xero et all scares the hell out of us and we’ve got to react as fast as possible)
Cool I thought, MYOB have finally got with the times, SaaS is fun and I like commenting on this stuff.
But in the craziest turn of the story, check out this link – www.businessbasicsonline.co.nz. Yes indeed, the URL links straight to Xero.
Someone at MYOB corporate HQ is going to be really, really uptight about this one.
So far Xero 1, MYOB 0, and if this start is anything to go by, it could just prove the SaaS debacle of the year.
It was registered today…not a lot of good faith there from the owner. It will at least be an interesting case for the new NZ domain rules (are they passed yet?).
Hi Ben,
Great news this week about the UK launch also. The 29 pound p/m per user charge equals approx NZ$72. That will look very nice in the Annual Report.
Interested in your thoughts on how the big players will react should Xero start to pick up a little too much of the pie – whether MYOB in particular would try and match them in-house or simply go on the aquisition trail ala Exonet / Solution 6.
Paul – they’ve already reacted. Whether their reaction is because of Xero of because of the changes they see in the industry is pretty much moot. Either way things are hotting up.
MYOB’s strategy seems pretty clear
Any new marketing campaign by MYOB will only increase the overall awareness of online options. One of the best strategies of picking up girls is to let your mates do the spadework – the same applies to business.