Gartner has published its 10 top Predictions for IT Organisations and Users in 2008 and Beyond. Not surprisingly a move to the clouds and SaaS based delivery feature highly. The 10 predictions (with my comments after) are;
1. Mac will double its market share
The rise of Cupertino and a consumer centric viewpoint2. Half of business travelers won’t take their laptops
With more software hosted in the clouds, there will be no need to travel with your machine – web enabled locations and web enabled phones will provide all that is necessary3. Open source will penetrate 80% of enterprise software
MySQL’s recent takeover, the mass of LAMP, solutions such as SugarCRM are making this prediction happen already4. A third of all software purchased will be by subscription
Anyone who reads this blog semi-regularly will know that this is a no-brainer5. Many new businesses will buy IT infrastructure as a service
SaaS is just a start, infrastructure as a service is the logical progression6. Power efficiency will become a key criteria in IT purchases
Microsoft and Google’s recent data centre moves towards cold-climates or locations with abundant water for cooling are examples of a growing trend7. CO2 footprint will become part of PC purchasing criteria
8. Green sourcing will drive vendors to provide green credentials
9. End user preferences will drive half of all IT purchases
Caused, at least in part, by decentralization and the ability of the actual users to implement solutions such as SaaS on a local level and with minimal financial hurdles10. 3D printers will grow 100-fold
Yeah whatever!
Cold weather and water for cooling … any data centres in Fiordland yet?
Can you imagine getting past the RMA?
Yeah, I can imagine it … not happening 😉
6. I’m sure we can accommodate them in Christchurch then.
2. I just popped up to Auckland for an overnighter. I didn’t take my laptop. I’m tired of lugging it around with all the cables and used my laptop back to pack my toothbrush and clean undies. And jusy used the hotel computers conveniently located on my floor. Took some presentations on the flash drive but they are all sitting online on our own server anyway.
1. So maybe i wont get that new mac laptop 🙂
3,4.5,9: Sure. Declutter my life please.
7. Finally the Trucost model will be fully employed and we will see exactly how the electronic business stacks up in terms of embedded energy and waste.
8. see 7.
10. What the hell is a 3D printer…..i thought my printer was 3D already.
11. Missed the biggest change of all and that is in finance and banking. We will transact, borrow, lend and spend all online…..goodbye banks.