Clean tech is the big thing of the future. It’s also (relatively) insulated from the sub prime woes as no matter the economy, Kyoto continues.
Strange then that WindfarmsNZ share price has slumped so markedly of late. Especially so given the good performance just released. Windfarms is poised to leverage both gains made by its sister company Windflow New Zealand, and also to make significant gains from the coming to prominence of clean and renewable electricity generation sources.
Diversity’s advice would be to buy on these ones (but bear in mind that Diversity’s advice comes cheap (well free) with all care but nix responsibility!)
You are correct when you state that clean tech is the next wave. It is also true that NZ firms operating in this space have stuggled to fire up local investors. Perhaps it’s just not a sexy enough industry or perhaps local investors have been tracking the various trials and tribulations of this company and are factoring in risk.
Here are some other thoughts on investing in clean tech.
Yes I think its a good investment also. But as Paul alluded to in his post where is the money?
I’ve had some experience in investing in clean tech back in the UK: i owned stock in UK Wind Fund…was more like a cheap loan; i invested in Zetekpower, at the time (1999) a leading fuel cell technology company ready to IPO for $1bln but in 2001 was in liquidation. It was split up and sold off and i have have stock in one of its offshoots Cenergie; Also invested in the Merrill Lynch New Energy Technology Fund….a good way of capturing exposure across the whole range of clean tech (shares sold at GBP1.00 and promptly fell to 0.14 and now back to 0.65 last time i checked.
So its not an easy market to invest in. In my early days as a start up investor i often put money into companies with great ideas without always considering whether they would become great businesses. Lessons learnt 🙂
But i’m still as keen as mustard on this sector. Show me something that works and i’ll be there. NZ Windfarms looks like its doing well now.
We now need some action in the solar market…there’s a US company that simply leases out PV panels to you and you pay all your costs in your electricity bill. They handle all the capital costs. I like that idea.
As an aside. I haven’t bought any shares for a long time here….anyone recommend a good online service?
The National Bank has a good online broking service through First NZ Capital. Unfortunately FNZC are getting out of the online trading business and Direct Broking are taking over the client base in June. One hopes the same high standard of service will apply.