Intel has, frankly, had a fairly bizarre approach towards investments, acquisitions, and initiatives. It is a company that, at every turn, is jumping onto the latest shiny thing. For a vendor that makes the vast majority of its revenues from selling silicon, it’s surprising where Intel turns up. Most recently I was a little incredulous that Intel’s much-talked-about acquisition of API management vendor Mashery had gone sour, leading Intel to offload the company to Tibco (a home that makes far more sense to me).
But I have to give praise where it is deserved, and here is a deal that makes sense. Intel has just joined in with a number of other investors in the Series B funding round for Qnovo, a vendor that is focused on creating software to enhance battery performance. Qnovo is focused on a 2016 launch of smartphones that will incorporate Qnovo’s adaptive charging technology.
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