For awhile now I’ve been uncomofrtable about the whole carbon trading dialogue – it feels to me like greenwash, whereby middle class consumers can feel themselves absolved of guilt by making some token gestures towards environmentalism. I’m uncomfortable for the same reasons that I’m uncomfortable about Greenpeace membership drives and the plethora of new environmental magazines that seem to be coming onto the market. You know the ones that tell you it’s OK to build a 400 square metre house so long as you don’t use solvent based paints, or that it’s OK going for a weeks holiday to the Gold Coast so long as you use cloth grocery bags when you’re at the supermarket. I’m just not sure about it all.
An article in the NY Times has an interesting take on the whole carbon neutral trend.
I definately believe its something the NZ businesses ashould find out about fully before rushing headlong into. We are lucky here that Landcare, a reputable organisation, is running the CarbonZero service . At least we know that the advice and information we get from them is honest.
Interesting times huh?