Overnight some 70000 jobs were axed in the US and Europe with some big name big-cos involved in the cuts.
Here in New Zealand we’re yet to see the sort of tumult that the rest of the world seems to be facing. Maybe it has to do with the fact that it’s summer and everyone is to busy having barbeques and hanging out at the beach to read the news, or perhaps were a little naive.
I was talking to a friend on the weekend who is involved in tech in Silicon Valley and is currently talking to a New Zealand company that wishes to expand into the US this year. In an example of the gulf that exists between New Zealand and the US her reaction was to wonder whether the company concerned actually realises what is going on in the US. “Our economy is absolutely tanking” as she described it “people are fighting for their very survival”.
So what do you think? Respond to the poll below;
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It’ll hit in a few months… Not as hard as the US