A new release for Xero and some moves to overcome the stickiness of MYOB and ease the conversion pain for new users. I’ve always said that SaaS vendors need to think long and hard about inward migration strategies to ensure uptake is facilitated as much as possible. The changes rolled out today go some way to helping with this. The full list of changes is;
- You can now edit the invoice number that is automatically generated by Xero.
- You can now enter your prior year’s comparative balances for inclusion in your reports.
- We now have the Xero Setup Wizard to assist you with the setup of new organisations in Xero.
- When setting up your Chart of Accounts for NZ organisations, you can now import your MYOB or Banklink Chart of Accounts into Xero as a .CSV file.
- Improvements to the Conversion Balances screen (previously known as Set Starting Balances).
A good start and plenty more to be done.