It was awesome to see what has come from the guy who invented T9 keyboard entry for cell phones. I’ve long been a little dubious of text entry on a mobile device – other than the digital natives who can write novels without watching – for the rest of us text entry is just too hard and too slow. T9 is great but what is the next step that allows even faster input and is customised with the latest must have – a touch screen interface?
Enter Swype – a new startup that is currently focused on text input technology for windows mobile devices. The idea of Swype is to press your finger or stylus on the first letter of the word you are attempting to write, then, without lifting it, move it to the remaining letters in the word. When the word is done, then you lift.
The video below shows Swype in action;
Hi Ben I am on the Beta program with this for my tablet and it is very nice. I can’t wait to see it main stream on say an iphone.