I know, I know – I’ve gone on record as stating the hopes I have for TNZ. And then I see something like this, TNZ head of consumer something or other giving an interview about the new Okta touch screen device.
Apparently the Okta moniker;
Resonates with consumers as a name that has technological expertise and is accessible.
Apparently also the key features here are Windows Mobile 6 (does anyone out there care? Operating systems are so 20th century) and the fact that HTC have developed an all new touch user interface (yeah and the iPhone comes with an external mouse for a UI).
And… it doesn’t have WiFi.
So here is what you don’t do – rebrand an existing offering and make it sound like something totally new.
What you do however is leverage your core competency – Telecom is (or should be) a massive diversified platform provider – it should utilise the fact that people just want to move and use data (it’s about the data, not the software) and develop a solution-centric rather than technology-centric product and service offering.
They so need my help!
Disclosure – Diversity Limited is a consultant to Telecom New Zealand and its subsidiaries