• Mince Pies, Forest Fires and Social Unity


    I’ve never been a big fan of pies. I know that sounds like sacrilege for a Kiwi bloke (especially one who lives in a rural area where pies are considered haute cuisine) but it’s just my personal taste. I’ll…

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  • Wanting It, Not Needing It


    I tend to be a bit of a sceptic about things and hence typically don’t get excited by whatever social media motivational theme du jour is doing the rounds. I was never an ice bucket challenge participant, I try…

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  • Shouting From the Rooftops


    The other day, I received an email from a friend of mine. This friend is a highly successful technology entrepreneur. He has started, grown, and sold several businesses over the years. In fact, his last business sold for an…

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  • The Health Impacts of Social Media and the deeper questions they raise


    I’m often told that I’m addicted to running. Those around me suggest that my proclivity for long-distance running stems from some hardwired predilection for addiction that is wired into my DNA. Personally, I think it’s far simpler than that…

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  • When Regulation goes Rogue. AML Woes


    The other day I had a truly exciting email. It seems that I have a long-lost uncle in Nigeria who, unbeknownst to me, was a wealthy industrialist. Sadly, my newfound uncle recently passed away, leaving his entire multimillion-dollar estate…

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  • Be your own customer. Lyft CEO goes Dogfooding


    Recently I spent a week or so in Hamilton attending Fielddays, the Southern Hemisphere’s largest agricultural show. Fielddays is always lots of fun – tens of thousands of people through the gates, hundreds of exhibitors selling everything from combine…

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  • Crowdstrike Issues Show No Easy Fixes Exist in Digital Land


    This weekend my wife and I watched the movie Leave No Trace.  The plot follows a military veteran father with post-traumatic stress disorder who lives in the forest with his young daughter. The two have escaped modern society and…

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  • Wax on, Wax Off. Patience in Ones Career


    I grew up in the 1980s. Hence one of the most formative movies of my teen years was the Hollywood classic Karate Kid. For those youngsters today, there was indeed a Karate Kid movie back in the 80s long…

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  • To scale, you have to lose control. Just face it.


    I started my foray into the tech sector around 2006. Back then Facebook was a little-known website for US college students. The height of mobile coolness was the Blackberry with its physical keyboard. And software updates were delivered by…

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  • Let Sleeping Dogs, Lie


    Here in New Zealand, we have a proud history of filmmaking. While many believe this history started recently with Peter Jackson and the Lord of the Rings mega-franchise, it goes back far further than that. Perhaps one of the…

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