Fellow blogger Zoli Erdos is moderating the panel. Panelists are;
- Dean Carlson (Viewpath)
- Andrew Filev (Wrike)
- Bruce Henry (LiquidPlanner)
- Mark Mader (Smartsheet.com)
- Guy Shani (Clarizen)
Everyone intros their product – interesting that there doesn’t seem to be much differentiation in project management – they’re all perhaps fighting for the same customers.
Comments around the end of siloed information. The change from a project manager being a silo of information to a position where everyone is a collaborative partner in the PM process. No one is a project manager anymore – everyone is a manager, responsible for tasks.
Differentiation between mass scale PM projects that need Gantt charts, top down control massive documentation however for 99% of PM work that isn’t needed. New way of thinking a federated PM model where users can work in whatever way is best for them and behind the scenes the information is federated backwards and forwards between apps.
Project managers today spend their time battling with crappy software – PM2.0 releases them to do real project management instead of being a project secretary.
The main takeaway and one which I concur with, is that no one player will replace Microsoft Project, rather there will be an ecosystem of varied flavours of PM app that all have a share of the market.
Since I run PM Hut, I’ve seen my fair share of articles about Project Management 2.0. I discovered 2 things:
1. None of the authors agree on what Project Management 2.0 is.
2. They all agree that Collaboration is a huge part of it.
It’s probably the time where someone, somewhere, defines what PM 2.0 is about and all others follow.