Now there’s a title to fire up my more left leaning readers……
Deborah Hill-Cone wrote this morning on the new legislation in New Zealand that is designed to coerce employers into offering flexible employment arrangements. Deborah says;
The flexible working hours law is positive discrimination and, like other affirmative action programmes, it is conceptually dumb and practically dumb. Ideologically, discrimination is wrong.
Not only is it ideologically wrong and practically dumb, it is also a perfect example of yet another central government regulation which is ineffective and causes unintended costs and impacts on business. Surely in this day and age when unemployment is at record lows, the laws of supply and demand will cause any llevel headed employer to look at flexible arrangements as yet another positive factor they can introduce to gain and retain employees. However having the options, and being forced to mould to the requirement are two different things and in enacting this legislation, parliament has overstepped the mark.