I’ve written a number of times about a class of software vendors that, in my view, are doing a heroic job. While these vendors aren’t philanthropists, they may as well be, helping millions of frustrated users of enterprise software worldwide reduce the pain they feel on a daily basis.
You see, for anyone who is in the fortunate situation of not having to interact with enterprise software on a daily basis, your own interactions with consumer software on your mobile device might have lulled you into a false sense of security.
+ Also on Network World: Enterprise software: A look forward to 2017 +
The reality is enterprise software, to put it bluntly, sucks. I’m self-employed and have never worked within a large corporation, but I’ve done enough consulting within these sorts of organizations to have gained a reasonably good appreciation for just how bad these solutions are. Horrible user interfaces, difficult user experiences, generally desktop-bound, slow and inflexible—there is very little to say about traditional enterprise software that is good. And I’m not just talking about the one of two enterprise software vendors who normally bear the brunt of these criticisms. Every traditional player is, in my view, guilty of similar user