Everyone knows that professional conference goers like myself attend events not to listen to presentations, not to network but to collect schwag. Over the past couple of years I’ve done fairly well collecting tech t-shirts and I decided to create a weekly series critiquing tech companies t-shirt offerings in the expectation that a company with a great t-shirt is a prime candidate to have a great product also. Click here to see the series.
If you’d like your t-shirt reviewed, flick me an email to arrange things. The judges decision is, of course, final and very little correspondence will be entered into (perhaps).
I have to confess that my Kapow t-shirt was a snatch and grab. I normally spend a little bit of time finding out about the company whose t-shirt I’m pilfering but all I know about Kapow is that they promise you’ll “be smarter sooner” (and I don’t think it’s a herbal drink).
- Hmmm – it’s great to use when cleaning the car
- The use of the geometric shapes fron and rear is kind of cool
- Made in Haiti – propping up a dictatorship
- No url – what does Kapow actually do?