Everyone knows that professional conference goers like myself attend events not to listen to presentations, not to network but to collect schwag. Over the past couple of years I’ve done fairly well collecting tech t-shirts and I decided to create a weekly series critiquing tech companies t-shirt offerings in the expectation that a company with a great t-shirt is a prime candidate to have a great product also. Click here to see the series.
If you’d like your t-shirt reviewed, flick me an email to arrange things. The judges decision is, of course, final and very little correspondence will be entered into (perhaps).
I’ve waxed poetic about Zendesk in the past (see here) – for the simple fact that they’re a very cool company. Their product (a SaaS support, help, ticket tracking app) is very cool. Their marketing strategy is very cool. They totally understand the value of fostering community engagement, they’re from Denmark which is always a win in my books but, maybe most importantly, they’re simply nice guys.
I’ve been lucky enough to have received all three generations of Zendesk T Shirts and a month or so ago I managed to luck on to a family set of the 3rd generation tops.
Made, as with previous incarnations, by GMTee out of Hong Kong, there T Shirts are absolutely a study in building a exquisite quality shirt – beautiful fabrics, awesome graphics, lovely design touches and a focus on quality.
- Orange is a surprising, but effective choice for a shirt
- Wear a Buddha on your chest, have a stillness in your mind
- The side print (see image) of a tree is a high nice, and unsual, touch
- As with previous GMTees, the printing, cloth, detailing and finishing is excellent
- Made in China – part of me wonders about the Karmic implications of the manufacture of this shirt