Everyone knows that professional conference goers like myself attend events not to listen to presentations, not to network but to collect schwag. Over the past couple of years I’ve done fairly well collecting tech t-shirts and I decided to create a weekly series critiquing tech companies t-shirt offerings in the expectation that a company with a great t-shirt is a prime candidate to have a great product also. Click here to see the series.
Recently I spent an intense two weeks of highly concentrated t-shirt gathering event attendance in the Bay area and Denver. At the Glue conference in Denver,one of the exhibitors was CodeFutures with their DB Sharding product
- Made of cotton
- The front logo is completely nonsensical to 99.999% of the world
- Long sleeves are good for winter
- The front logo is completely nonsensical to 99.999% of the world
- Made in Honduras – well at least the workers aren’t making carcinogenic cigars I guess….
- It’s black – say no more