Everyone knows that professional conference goers like myself attend events not to listen to presentations, not to network but to collect schwag. Over the past couple of years I’ve done fairly well collecting tech t-shirts and I decided to create a weekly series critiquing tech companies t-shirt offerings in the expectation that a company with a great t-shirt is a prime candidate to have a great product also. Click here to see the series.
If you’d like your t-shirt reviewed, flick me an email to arrange things. The judges decision is, of course, final and very little correspondence will be entered into (perhaps).
A present from Mindtouch at the Glue conference in Denver late last year, this black crew neck is guaranteed to make you (nearly) as debonair as Mindtouch CEO Aaron Fulkerson. Another El Salvador production, with the problems that suggests, the t-shirt is possible let down by the loud print on the back.
- Looking a little like Aaron
- The cool front logo
- Made in El Salvador – and we all know what that means….
- The rear logo is a little too loud methinks