I got an email from the [mfnz]Made From New Zealand[/mfnz] guys sayign that they have just released their new widget aimed at getting comapny information to show after blog posts (yup – much like crunchbase for for NZ companies. Check out my entires – [mfnz]bizchat[/mfnz], [mfnz]Cactus Climbing[/mfnz] and [mfnz]Diversity[/mfnz].
It seems to work (see below) and is ye another way to increase link love and ultimately link love for Kiwi businesses. Our vision with bizchat is more about building business capability rather than increasing business exposure – butween MFNZ and bizchat we’ll set the kiwi buisiness world rocking!
Thanks Ben,
Looking great – we will be adding people, networks and industry tags soon too.
Google Love for Life!