RWW posted this morning about the Google release of there machine translation software via API.
Apparently the new API can handle language detection, so potentially the possibility is opened up to have cross language IM chats via the software with each party receiving what the other said, but nicely translated into their own language
I thought I’d test Google translate with the French national Anthem, Le Marseillais
First the first verse and chorus in French;
Allons enfants de la patrie,
Le jour de gloire est arrivé !
Contre nous de la tyrannie
L’étendard sanglant est levé ! Entendez-vous dans les campagnes,
Mugir ces féroces soldats ?
Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras
Égorger nos fils, nos compagnes !Aux armes, citoyens !
Formez vos bataillons !
Marchons ! Marchons !
Qu’un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons !
And the official (and somewhat bloodthirsty) translation to English;
Let’s go children of the fatherland,
The day of glory has arrived!
Against us tyranny’s
Bloody flag is raised! (repeat)
In the countryside, do you hear
The roaring of these fierce soldiers?
They come right to our arms
To slit the throats of our sons, our friends!Grab your weapons, citizens!
Form your batallions!
Let us march! Let us march!
May impure blood
Water our fields!
And now from Google;
Allons enfants de la patrie,
The day of glory has arrived!
Against us from the tyranny
The bloody flag is raised! (Bis)
Do you hear in the countryside,
Mugir those ferocious soldiers?
They come into our arm
Égorger our sons, our companions!Aux armes, citoyens!
Train your battalions!
Walk! Walk!
That impure blood
Abreuve our paths!
So – not quite there yet but a pretty good attempt nonetheless – it’ll only get better with time…
Thnks, that was really quite useful. Any ideas as to which is the best online translator out there.