Bwooce tried 1place upon my recommendation. He liked it…. and then they disappeared. Simple as that.
It is a bad bad bad thing for the SaaS credibility drive. It’s a very bad look and affects all the other SaaS players.
I’m trying to find out what happened but either way it’s bad – I feel bad personally and for the industry both.
POSTSCRIPT – ANyone now in any doubt why Xero went the IPO route? It’s about trust ‘n’ credibility folks
Bwooce that’s rough mate, not good enough.
At least you hadn’t paid them money, that would really suck.
Ben I don’t think you need to feel bad personally, you said that when Bwooce first looked at it he liked it. You can’t hold yourself responsible for what happened after that, Bwooce made his own call to go with them.
And most importantly I don’t really see how you can say it’s a failure of SaaS or that it reduces you SaaS exuberance….it sounds like a case of crap business management and nothing else.
I hope Bwooce picks himself up and carries on.
Talk the guys at Xero into adding quoting / bill of materials into that product, they are gonna be around for a long time…..
Of course you’re right John – it’s just sad that SaaS and 1place will be linked and to a certain extent it will cast a little doubt over the whole SaaS concept
Or maybe not
Interesting article and certainly a real risk with SaaS, vendor due diligence is key.
I’d recommend physically visiting a branch or talking to them via phone first as part of that process unless you get a sound personal referral 🙂
Harvard Business School did an excellent case study on Charles Schwab in the US opening branches purely for the initial due diligence (customers got the confidence they needed and then rarely returned after opening their online share trading accounts).
For the record support quotes (amongst hundreds of other features) and have for a few years now. Established late 1998 and still going strong (and accelerating), we support dozens of banks including the majors in NZ and recently opened a new flagship office in the centre of the Sydney CBD. Readers of this comment can signup with voucher code NEWPLACE and get 3 months extra as a bonus or of course try it free any time.
Cheers, Peter.