Over on CIO read this interesting interview with new TradeMe general manager John Macdonald.
One of the most interesting quotes for me, and an admission I guess of TradeMe and it’s founders maturing is the following;
the best way to identify and understand new technologies from a consumer perspective is often to look at what our 22-year-olds are doing in the office
It wasn’t that long ago that Sam et al where those very 22 year old. How time moves on……
That interview is spinning so fast it makes me dizzy. Mark my words – Morgan will be off doing his own thing within a year, although they’ll say he’ll still have a valuable input role …
To be honest Robin I’m more than a little surprised that he’s still there. My analysis is that it’s a nervousness about TM without its figurehead.
I concur that SM will jump before too long
Personally I think its a great succession plan that they are running – people in replacement roles who are now talking to the media, Sam taking a back seat but probably still involved in the strategic decisions. I would say that there is still a lot inside his head that needs to be transitioned to the new people. He will have an input role – probably on an advisory board, I’d say. How long did Bill stay at MS once he announced – must have been 3 years easy