Just a reminder for those of you who are in Wellington (or will be this Friday) that the Wellington to the World event is happening.
I’m honoured to have been asked to MC the event – both as a former (and still in mind if not in body) Wellingtonian and also as someone who has long watched and been impressed by the Wellington Start-up scene.
There are a bunch of exciting businesses demoing at the event – the full programme can be seen here.
I look forward to catching up with some of you on Friday!
Thanks Ben, we are looking forward to having you.
An added note of interest to the event is that Victoria University spin-off company iPredict will be presenting with some last minute forecasts on the election outcome. iPredict is an online prediction market. You may have seen iPredict at work on the TV3 leaders debate on Monday night.
This company exemplifies how academic research can have commercial potential. Part of the show on Friday is about getting the researchers to engage with entrepreneurs and investors downtown and explore how they might work together fruitfully.