Next weekend I’ll be up in Auckland attending the inaugural TelecomONE unconference. The organisers, in an attempt to explain what TelecomONE is all about, have come up with the following;
The Right People + Opinions + Discussions = TelecomONE Innovation
Basically the unconference seeks to create a forum where information can be shared, questions raised, ideas mooted and the status quo questioned. I’m fortunate to have been included in a small group of external invitees (I mean external to Telecom employment rather than sitting outside during the unconference sessions!)
These sort of events are great, but sometimes end up being talkfests unless the organisation has bought into the concept at every level. I was stoked then to read on Miki’s blog of a message that he’d received from unconference facilitator Nat Torkington;
@gripnostril and I met w/ the CEO of Telecom today. He is bigtime clueful, grokked Foo Camp faster than anyone I’ve ever explained it to.
Other than the atrocious spelling and grammar (Twitter is no excuse for lackadaisical standards Mr Torkington 😉 ) it was awesome to see this message – to know that it’s not just a talk fest, that innovation is both welcomed and expected and that we’re not just a bunch of freaks off on a junket is pretty cool (anyway – how can it be a junket – we’re sleeping in sleeping bags on the floor of a hall FFS!)
Bring it on – I can’t wait!