Completely off topic but leaving home for a week and a half always makes me miss the family. A couple of beautiful quotes from the past day from my sons;
8 year old;
I really think John key should win the election because he hasn’t had a chance to be Prime Minister yet
So nice to hear that the fair play message is getting through. I wonder if Helen feels the same way?
6 year old, after reading about India in the National Geographic magazine and knowing that Dad is heading to India today
In Auckland, when they see a cow on the road, they drive around it because cows are holy in Auckland
Auckland…. India… just variations on a theme I guess!
Be good boys and I’ll see you in ten days.
I was putting my eight-year-old son to bed one night and he was being cheeky. Eventually I snapped and said ‘Hey! Do not talk to me like that! I am your father!’
He went quiet for a few seconds and then came back with this.
‘Ohhh – going all old fashioned on me are you, calling yourself father?!’
I had to turn around to hide my face – even then my shoulders were shaking with supressed laughter. His mum had to put him to bed that night.
Asked my daughter today “who’d you vote for?’ She answered “not Helen Clark, she’s had a long turn already” She’s nearly twelve, so yes, the equal rights stuff is getting through.
In Mitre10. My 1.8yo was running up to me and into me saying “Bump!”. He keep getting further away for a good running start.
Soon he was running from the end of the aisle and would put his head down like a bull…
Then, on a running bump attempt he hit his head into the leg of a grumpy old man who he nearly knocked over. (ha ha He missed me)
Jackson fell on the ground and laughed pointing at him saying “Big man! red shirt!” ha ha – gotta love kids…