I see (well actually read) that Xero is competing in a competition to win a place in a technology park in Wales.
Now I don’t want to sound sour but wasn’t it just last week that we were getting all excited that a tech start up would be scaling worldwide from a Kiwi base. Maybe the exposure of winning the competition is sufficient or they just want to put a sales office in Europe or something, but if the development happens overseas, the company is registered overseas (which i assume would be the case), where is the pay back for New Zealand?
You’ll also note that interspersed with a number of Xero related posts I do actually post on other subjects! It’s just that Xero is particularly topical at the moment!
Are you kidding?!? Xero is developed in NZ. We’re looking at sales offices all over. Xero is NZ owned and future revenie comes here. Haven’t we made that 100% clear. This is all part of the process of going global. Relax, let us get on with it.
That’s great to hear Rod – just checking. Good luck with the competition!