A few weeks ago I posted and said;
Next move I’m picking [for Zoho] is a filling out of the space between the current small business offerings and People, the first larger business offering.
That remark was particularly made to comment on the release of Zoho’s first offering that seemed poised to move them into the enterprise space. Today however we see that Zoho has released Zoho invoice. Check out the slideshow for an intro;
Already hints have been made that this is the first part of a full-featured accounting system – it seems logical – imagine a situation where a SaaS provider had a solution that included office productivity, CRM, accounting and collaboration – it’d make a pretty compelling case (and a strong foil to Google’s stickiness).
I’ve always waxed poetical about SaaS solutions being part of a wider platform play, but it’s getting increasingly difficult to see how Zoho can be stopped from creating an all encompassing platform of their own (OK – that’s a pretty generous statement at the moment but consider the velocity of their development thus far).