Calling all Kiwis (or those with an interest in New Zealand in the digital world). Communications and Information Technology Minister David Cunliffe is calling feedback on the Draft Digital Strategy 2.0 which was released for public comment today.
What do readers think? Hollow platitudes or a visionary document? Substantial paradigm change or same old same old?
It’s a good opportunity for the kiwi digerati to contribute – carpe diem!
ok, i’ve got to stop reading your blog. I went and read the ‘digital strategy 2.0’ doc, following your link, and almost cried. I’m just so tired of government direction (round in circles, or towards whatever iceberg is closest) strategies.
More government … um… blah! Nothing actionable, nothing that says “we’re government, we know we’re slow, behind the 8 ball, not in the loop, lets leave it to those web 2+.0 innovators, those gen-xs and ys who get this stuff, and we’ll just clear the field, and help them out where we can”.
where is support for kids who want to play with stuff in the garage, and might need some funding to get something hosted on a server? what about investment in those people who just want to see what happens if they connect X with Y. Make some funding available, it doesnt have to be much, web world is about low startup costs, but $10K per year will keep an innovator going.
Fast broadband, good. everything else, government rubbish. Will change nothing.
guess we need to continue to ignore the government as best we’re able and do it ourselves. I suppose thats the kiwi way. Unfortunately. Grr. now im angry, so i better write a post on my blog…
I’m with Greg,
So far my reaction is ‘what a bunch of happy horesh#*t’. Lucky its an election year, otherwise all these successes (more broadband, lower prices, more competition – where is that btw?) might just be misconstrued as rhetoric
All these implicit assumptions… if we give people connectivity..then they will suddenly become innovative and magically come up with the VC to create content… (have a look at the total revenue for ‘media’ in NZ Circa 350 million pa… like thats gonna drag us up the GDP rankings.
Where is the business focus? ie the people like Rod who are creating wealth for everyone in that company? Wheres the education focus? Wheres the tax incentives for digital start ups.