This is cool. As pointed out by Ross below is the Extinction Timeline created jointly by What’s Next and Future Exploration Network.
As Ross points out we often like to predict what will come in the future – here’s a prediction of what will go.
Some highlights include;
2009: Mending things
2014: Getting lost
2016: Retirement
2020: Copyright
2022: Blogging, Speleeng, The Maldives
2030: Keys
2033: Coins
2036: Petrol engined vehicles
2037: Glaciers
2038: Peace & Quiet
2049: Physical newspapers, Google
Beyond 2050: Uglyness, Nation States, Death
Some of their claims are a bit bizzare. On the chart they fail to mention the fact that many things will persist in Africa a bit longer than everywhere else, because it’s going to take them a while to catch up with the rest of the planet no matter how much we help them (or more importantly, stop hurting them). Perhaps they clarify that point in their book.
One thing is for sure, we are in for some interesting times.