Thanks to Thomas for the indirect heads up on this one. Hot on the heels of Ponoko comes Pixish. Where Ponoko was a connector between designers, manufacturers and consumers, Pixish is a connector between organisations requiring graphical work and the graphical community. In ther words of it’s founders;
The problem we’re trying to solve:
Say you’re a magazine. You have a story that you need an illustration for. Your options are to find an artist for a custom job (time-consuming and expensive) or spend all day trolling microstock sites to find the perfect image (cheap, but just as time-consuming, and very frustrating).
Pixish is a middle path. With Pixish, you can create an Assignment that asks for what you want. Pixish peeps can submit their work and collaboratively vote the best up. All you have to do is pick the winning entry!
The way Pixish works is as follows;
- Create an Assignment. Ask for what you want.
- Get Submissions. People create and submit their work.
- Peer Review. Community voting helps find the best.
- Pick Winners. Select your favourites and download.
- Rewards! Winners get prizes and rewards.
I like it – Pixish is delivering a need. It’s a platform play connecting creators with a wider audience than they would otherwise have been able to talk with. Best of luck guys….