• Red Hat Takes Another Step Towards Cloud Computing

    Picture Source: ArstechnicaRedhat, the poster child of open source and maker of most popular Linux distribution in the enterprise market, took another step into the cloudy future. Redhat recently released version 5.5 of their popular Enterprise Linux distribution. They followed it up with an announcement focused mainly on the hybrid nature of the enterprise cloud adoption in the immediate future.
    According to the announcement, Redhat announced what they call as Red Hat Cloud Access which allows their enterprise customers to use their existing subscriptions on Amazon Web Services, EC2 to be more specific. With this, Amazon Web Services becomes first Red Hat Premier Certified Cloud Provider. With Red Hat Cloud Access, eligible Redhat customers can move their Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscriptions between traditional on-premise servers and Amazon Web Services. With this feature, customers can select appropriate computing resources for their needs, without the need for new business or support models. It is important to note that not all customers can move their licenses to AWS but those enterprise customers with at least 25 subscriptions are the only ones allowed to move back and forth. Check their website for further eligibility requirements.
    Red Hat is also introducing new features designed to continue allowing enterprises to leverage the benefits of Amazon Web Services:
    • The latest versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux will be available on Amazon EC2 at the same time as the release for traditional on-premise deployments, in an effort to provide consistency between on and off-premise usage. This includes the features in the recently released Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5.
    • Standardized, secure 32-bit and 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux images, which include cloud-specific content like creating images from a specific manifest and certificates, are secured using SELinux and firewall protections.
    • Continuous delivery of updates to Red Hat Enterprise Linux within Amazon Web Services, offering delivery of security errata and feature enhancements.
    Well, this is long expected from Redhat with Canonical making it damn simple for enterprises to use cloud computing. Unlike Redhat, Canonical doesn’t charge a subscription for their distribution and, rather, they charge for the support. Such a business model allows Canonical customers (well, there aren’t many like Redhat on the enterprise side) to easily tap into Amazon Web Services without worrying about the subscription terms. Plus, Canonical has taken a major leap into cloud computing by tightly integrating Eucalyptus into their Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud edition. The rave reviews about UEC has put enormous pressure on Redhat to do something as more and more enterprises are warming up to cloud computing, both public and private. This easing of subscription terms is an important step in ensuring that enterprises have the necessary flexibility to move from on-premise to cloud. There is a long way to go before Redhat becomes an important player in the cloud market. We will have to wait and see how it shapes up.
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  • PaaS Is The Future Of Cloud Services: VMForce – A Marriage Of Convenience


    This is a second post in my series titled “PaaS Is The Future Of Cloud Services“. I was planning to write about Heroku but since the VMForce news was a good fit for the topic, I am pushing the…

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  • Video: Cloud Computing Economies Of Scale

    From time to time, I find some really interesting talks on cloud computing and I share those videos here at Cloud Ave, essentially acting as a filter and sharing talks I consider important for our readers. I came across one such talk (thanks to Mark Masterson) from a conference that was held in March. It was a talk by James Hamilton of Amazon Web Services (yeah, the same guy whom Amazon grabbed from Microsoft sometime back) at Mix 10 at Las Vegas. He shows beautifully how cloud computing is not a fad and, in fact, the right way to go forward. The whole talk is amazing but I would ask you not to miss an important data point he offers which debunks the conventional wisdom about server utilization. He shows how our idea of consolidating resources and shutting down unused resources is wrong and this data point could also tell us why Amazon jumped into offering cloud services in the first place. A great talk and worth every minute you spend on it.
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  • Standards Or Openness?

    Lew Moorman writing on GigaOm (warning: two weeks old post) suggests that openness is more important standards because it gives more options to consumers. 
    Many suggest that standards are the key to encouraging broader adoption of cloud computing. I disagree; I think the key is openness. What’s the difference? In the standards approach, a cloud would look and work just like any other. Open clouds, on the other hand, could come in many different flavors, but they would share one essential feature: all of the services they’d offer could run outside of them.
    I completely agree with his take. I also feel the same if we have to decide between openness and standards. I would love to open this up for debate and want to hear more from both practitioners and users on what they think about it. Feel free to jump in and debate.
    Disclaimer: Rackspace is a client of Diversity Analysis.
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  • Did Somebody Say Relying On Third Party Cloud Vendors Is A Risk?

    One of the biggest criticisms leveled against Cloud Computing, in general, and SaaS, in particular, is the reliance on third party for the availability of applications. It is true that SaaS forces you to rely on the third party vendors because the resources lie on the datacenters elsewhere as opposed to your local machine or on-premise datacenters. But, I do not agree that SaaS cannot be trusted just because we have our applications and data elsewhere. In my opinion, it is pure FUD than anything else.
    Our reliance of third party providers dates long back into the human history. Even in the traditional computing world, we have to rely on many third party vendors from electricity to run the business to proper functioning of computing resources to operating system to software. Even though they are located on premise, there is some sort of reliance on third party vendors and service providers. When we buy a software from a traditional vendor, we trust them to work the way we want (unless it is open source), we trust the vendors to make timely security patches and updates, we rely on the update to work flawlessly, etc.. Once upon a time we relied on the vendors to send the updates and patches through media. We trusted that the vendors will send in time, the carriers will deliver it properly and the media will work flawlessly. Once internet became part of our lives, we trusted the vendors to send the patches and updates through the internet so that our software are updated regularly. In short, we have been relying on third party for many of our computing tasks forever. As the vehicle of delivery changes and matures, we rely more and more on such third party providers to save time and cost. Now, with the maturation of internet and internet capable devices of many form factors, we are trusting third party providers to deliver the applications and other computing services through the internet for consumption. This is a normal progression in any technological evolution. Trying to spin it in any other way is pure FUD.

    I hope a recent incident involving a traditional software vendor puts an end to such FUDs. If the traditional form of computing is more reliable, I would love to hear from the FUD promoters about their reaction to what happened in enterprises all over the world after a McAfee security update. Today, McAfee acknowledge the problem through a blog post.
    Early Thursday morning (at around 1 AM PT) we published a SuperDAT Remediation Tool to help customers fix affected systems. The tool suppresses the driver causing the false positive by applying an Extra.dat file in folder. It then restores the “svchost.exe” Windows file, the file quarantined as a result of the false detection.
    What is McAfee doing to make their customers comfortable? They assured them that they will improve their quality control to prevent such mishaps in the future.
    To prevent this from happening again, we are implementing additional QA protocols for any releases that directly impact critical system files. In addition, we plan to add capabilities to our cloud-based Artemis system that will provide an additional level of protection against false positives by leveraging an expansive whitelist of critical system files
    Apart from the irony that they are relying on the cloud to stop such mishaps with the traditional software, the important point is that they are asking their customers to trust them and their process. I am not writing this post to diss McAfee or make fun of their misery. I just want to point our once again (hopefully, for a last time) that our reliance on third party providers is nothing new and we rely more and more on them to have huge savings as the vehicle for delivery matures. SaaS (and Cloud Computing) is just part of this evolution and any FUD against them is plain ridiculous.
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  • Video: Does Open Source Mean Open Cloud – Panel Discussion

    There was a panel discussion held sometime back during the collaboration summit 2010 and the topic was “Does Open Source Means Open Cloud”. Since this topic is closer to my heart and of interest to many of Cloud Ave readers, I am embedding the video here. You could also view the video directly on this link.
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  • PaaS Is The Future Of Cloud Services Series

    Diagram showing overview of cloud computing in...

    Image via Wikipedia

    There is an overwhelming view among the pundits that PaaS is the future of cloud services and IaaS will slowly go into the background. In fact, in my opinion, PaaS is the idea of cloud computing that comes closer to the utility comparison made by Nick Carr in his book “The Big Switch”. In this series I am going to dig deeper into the future of PaaS and how various companies are positioning themselves to meet this future. In this first post of the series, I am going to dig deeper into the general idea and then take a look at how different players from the entire cloud stack, IaaS to SaaS, are playing the game. In the next post, I will talk about one of the interesting companies in the mix, Heroku, and briefly touch upon a recent news that came out recently.

    Why PaaS and Why Not IaaS?

    The poster boy (girl) of cloud computing is Amazon Web Services and they are basically an IaaS player offering compute and storage services. Their huge success is one of the reasons why cloud computing is gaining so much traction with everyone from individual developers to small businesses to enterprises. They completely altered the way we do computing by cutting down the costs drastically empowering the startups and small business to have IT similar to that of enterprises. Their success has lead many more providers to jump into the infrastructure game making IaaS the pretty girl (handsome boy) in the cloud computing block.

    IaaS completely changed the way developers deployed their applications. Instead of spending big with their own datacenters or managed hosting companies or colocation services and then hiring operations staff to get it going, they can just go to Amazon Web Services or one of the other IaaS providers, get a virtual server running in minutes and pay only for the resources they use. With cloud brokers like Rightscale, enStratus, etc., they could easily grow big without worrying about things like scaling and additional security. In short, IaaS and other associated services has enabled startups and other businesses focus on their core competencies without worrying much about provisioning and management of infrastructure. IaaS completely abstracted the hardware beneath it and allowed users to consume infrastructure as a service without bothering anything about the underlying complexities.

    Even though IaaS made it easy for developers to go to the market fast with their applications and other services, it still required them to have some operational expertise. In the case of startups and other small companies, the use of IaaS still required the developers to know a bit about managing the virtual servers, OSes, middleware stack, etc.. If the developers didn’t have much expertise, they had to hire sysadmins who could take care of managing the infrastructure. On the enterprise level, it needed significant investments in operations workforce. In short, it was not the cloud which Nick Carr made us all to imagine.

    This is where PaaS came in handy. PaaS is one layer above IaaS on the stack and abstracts away everything up to OS, middleware, etc.. This offers an integrated set of developer environment that a developer can tap to build their applications without having any clue about what is going on underneath the service. It offers developers a service that provides a complete software development lifecycle management, from planning to design to building apps to deployment to testing to maintenance. Everything else is abstracted away from the “view” of the developers. In short, PaaS takes operations out of the picture and gives the developers a complete peace of mind. With IaaS, a developer with no help on operations from people with sysadmin skills is very likely to botch up the application either at its inception or while scaling. PaaS makes developers succeed even if they are completely “operations blind”. This makes PaaS ver attractive for the future of cloud computing.

    The advantages of PaaS are

    • Complete abstraction all the way up to development environments and other middleware components, taking the operations out of the picture
    • Considerable cost savings and faster time to market
    • Better security. As Chris Hoff pointed out,  one could enforce sanitary programmatic practices across the derivate works built upon PaaS

    Does it mean end of road for IaaS?

    Not really. PaaS will not kill off IaaS. Rather, it pushes IaaS completely into the background. Even in a PaaS dominated world, IaaS is still important because

    • PaaS will not be dominated entirely by big players like Google or Microsoft. There will be many smaller level players, some of whom offer some niche platforms. For example, PaaS companies like Heroku and Engine Yard can’t afford their own datacenters. Such players will run on top of IaaS
    • There are other component services that extend core PaaS platforms. These players will run on top of IaaS while integrating with PaaS players
    • There may be many developers who want custom platform stack for their needs. Such developers will always need IaaS

    There are many other reasons why IaaS will exist in the background ceding limelight to PaaS.

    The Future Of IaaS Vendors Are Gloomy. Huh?

    Not exactly. Many IaaS vendors are understanding the PaaS based world in the future. That is why they are already planning to move up the stack. Whether it is public cloud providers like Amazon or players who are strong in the private cloud space like VMware, they are already moving up the stack. We will continue to see this trend where these originally IaaS players differentiate themselves in the PaaS layer. It is not just the IaaS vendors who are moving up the stack but we are also seeing SaaS vendors moving down the stack. For example, we have seen how Salesforce is trying to make their Force.com platform attractive for the developers. SaaS vendors are also seeing a PaaS future and are repositioning themselves to take advantage of such a future.

    In the future posts in this series, I will take individual providers and dig deep into their offerings, strategies, etc.. The next post in this series will feature Heroku and I will follow it up with other players in the coming weeks.

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  • What XAuth Means To SaaS

    Image representing meebo as depicted in CrunchBase

    Image via CrunchBase

    In the weekend, Meebo, along with companies like Google, Yahoo, Myspace, Disqus, Janrain, etc., announced the release of an open identity platform called XAuth. For Meebo, it gives an option to make their Meebo Bar more relevant among the publishers. For Google, this gives them another stick to beat Facebook Connect and Twitter’s identity system after they botched their OpenSocial plans. For users, this is supposed to give a better user experience with online authentication systems as it taps into the web services they use the most. In this post, I am going to briefly discuss about this new platform and see how it affects the SaaS users.

    Definition Of The Problem:

    One of the unique characteristics of the SaaS world is the mushrooming of vertical SaaS applications. Unlike the traditional software world, SaaS vendors focus on one niche area and do it well. The low cost of setting up a service in the current cloud based world has contributed to the mushrooming of services across many different verticals. This has lead to serious problems for both individual users and business organizations in terms of their identity and management. The problems range from issues like how the users’ are going to manage multiple usernames and passwords to how enterprises can ensure the credibility in authentication, authorization, etc.. Essentially, identity problem has become the biggest speed bump for the SaaS adoption.

    From the individual users’ perspective, the myriad of SaaS applications poses a big problem with the handling of usernames and passwords as they have to remember too many of them. From an enterprise perspective, not only the proliferation of multiple usernames and passwords a big hassle, it also tears down their security because there is no way for them to enforce their security policies in this situation. On top of it, enterprises have to take care of regulatory requirements related to user access and any access to critical information. For example, Sarbanes-Oaxley requires an enterprise to implement stringent policy, processes and audit to regulate employee and non-employee access to critical business information. This makes SaaS identity problem a difficult one for the enterprises. In fact, this problem has turned away many users from SaaS, making this one of the most urgent problems facing the SaaS vendor community.

    This is not just an issue of handling multiple identities but also an issue of lack of interoperability and presence of data silos. The lack of a single identity system to tie up multiple SaaS vendors/services makes interoperability and integration a more difficult problem to solve.

    Potential Solutions and related issues:

    One of the solutions is the federation of identity services. SaaS providers could outsource the identity and its management to third party providers and focus on their core competency. This way they could offer better rich functionality in their applications and better security. A federated system allows SaaS vendors to deploy stronger authentication, give SaaS users a choice of identity management services for authentication and, also, a way to enforce their authorization policies more effectively. There are many ways of doing implementing such a system, from a centralized provider like Facebook Connect to a more distributed option like OpenID.

    Some users and organizations prefer a centralized approach because it is easy to use and manage. Plus, they will have a single throat to choke in case of a problem. However, this approach puts the user (or organization) at the mercy of the identity providers and it doesn’t bode well from a risk reduction perspective. On the other end of the spectrum is the OpenID, a distributed approach to identity and management. OpenID and OAuth could turn out to be the kind of solution we are looking for to solve the identity problems and interoperability issues. OpenID provides a single identity for the users with a distributed authentication system and OAuth provides a way to give access to users data without giving any access to the identity information. A combination of these two could offer a reliable and more secure authentication for the SaaS applications. However, the user experience with OpenID is very bad compared to, say, Facebook Connect. It leaves a lot to be desired and, hence, relatively lower adoption than what many originally envisioned. 

    The problem with OpenID and OAuth based implementations is that it is too daunting for average users. They are both overwhelmed and confused by the choices offered to them from a myriad of identity providers. This discourages them from using SaaS based applications even though they don’t have to create yet another username and password. In fact, the difficulty with OpenID based implementations also poses considerable problems for enterprises wanting to implement an OpenID-OAuth based system for their users.

    XAuth to the rescue?

    XAuth is being pitched as a perfect solution to solve this problem. XAuth stands between the identity provider and SaaS applications and offers the users just a handful of identity providers based on their usage patterns. By observing the services they access regularly, XAuth offers the identity system of the most used services. This cuts down on the confusion and offers the users the service they are comfortable with. This solution greatly simplifies the identity management and has the potential to make SaaS interesting to them. In short, XAuth could increase SaaS adoption because

    • It greatly simplifies the login experience of users by offering them to use the providers they are already using regularly
    • Being open source, it makes it easy for SaaS vendors to implement XAuth

    However, there is one potential problem that could make XAuth a non-starter. The way in which it observes the access patters of users is really creepy. It has the potential to create a backlash from the users. However, users can disable it completely by visiting XAuth.org from their browser. Personally, I would have preferred an opt-in mechanism rather than an opt-out mechanism. But I don’t see it as a roadblock either. We saw how user backlash on Gmail’s implementation of contextual text ads vanished once users started experiencing the superior user experience of Gmail. If XAuth manages to offer the users similar satisfying experience, their concerns about privacy will eventually go away.

    if done right, XAuth could make SaaS more palatable to both consumers and enterprises. But, it is too early to predict how it will turn out. XAuth is not the miracle pill needed to solve the SaaS identity management problem but it is a neat trick to enhance the user experience. I would love to hear from the SaaS vendors to learn more about what they think of XAuth and whether they consider it to be part of their future plans. Feel free to post your comments or send me an email.

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  • Marketing Automation Made Easy With Suitecloud Platform

    Netsuite’s Suitecloud is in full swing now and our own Ben and Zoli are tracking it closely. Soon the videos of Suitecloud will be available on Netsuite’s Youtube channel. The flexible Suitecloud platform is already making waves and I came across an announcement about how Leadforce1‘s marketing automation platform is integrated with Netsuite’s cloud computing platform. Leadforce1’s Marketing Automation 2.0 platform is a collaborative suite that helps sales, marketing, website optimization teams to collaborate in real time to get better insights to convert visitors into leads and eventually into business. Essentially, their Marketing Automation 2.0 platform uses effective collaboration methodologies and analytics, provides holistic view of each prospect and enables sharing and up-sell opportunities within communities across an organization’s internal and external networks.
    NetSuite’s SuiteCloud (which I think Ben will cover more here at Cloud Ave) is a comprehensive offering of on-demand products, development tools and services designed to help customers and commercial software developers take advantage of the significant economic benefits of Cloud computing. Essentially, this platform brings all the advantages of cloud computing to the hands of their ecosystem developers. We can compare Suitecloud platform to Force.com from Salesforce. The complete SuiteCloud offering includes NetSuite’s multi-tenant, always-on SaaS infrastructure; the NetSuite Business Suite of applications (Accounting/ERP, CRM, Ecommerce); the NS-BOS Development Platform; the SuiteCloud Developer Network (SDN), a comprehensive developer program for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs); and SuiteApp.com, a single-source online marketplace where customers can find applications to meet specific business process or industry-specific needs.
    With today’s announcement, Leadforce1’s marketing automation platform is integrated much deeply with Netsuite’s cloud computing platform by automating qualifying of sales leads by capturing Website visitor intent and interest, and adds an integrated call-back capability to give sales professionals live access to the most qualified prospects. Built using NetSuite’s SuiteCloud computing platform, the combined solution can help NetSuite customers increase lead-pipeline volume, reach decision-makers and close deals faster than manual methods. This platform helps marketing and sales teams of any organization using Netsuite platform collaborate more closely in real time leading to improved conversions. 
    The topic of discussion in the San Francisco Cloud Computing Club meeting held during Cloud Connect event was how cloud platforms are going to take over the world. Platforms like Netsuite’s Suitecloud and applications like Leadforce1’s marketing automation solutions are precursors to what we will be seeing in the future.
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  • Watch Twitter Developer Conference Live

    I you are far away from SF or don’t have the time / money needed to attend the Twitter developer conference, help is on the way from Justin.tv.

    Here is the live webcast of the event.

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