I’ve written before about the proposal of a local company to build a windfarm in the hills near where I live. An article in The Press newspaper this morning made my blood boil and made me happy that I…
Traditionally I use my summer road trip to find new tourism travesties to rant about – this year of course is no different. Recently we visited Tane Mahuta, the largest known Kauri tree remaining alive in the world. Tane…
(Warning – off topic, but still important) Despite statements to the opposite, New Zealand is a country that gains significant wealth from agriculture and horticulture. That we do so, such a long distance from our main markets, is in…
My good friend Ruth has started blogging and, in what can only be likened to a “butterfly from the chrysalis” moment, we get to see the thoughts her previous employment have rendered her unlikely to utter. Her latest post…
Image via Wikipedia We’re nearing the end of three amazing weeks on the road in the North Island – from the Wairarapa to the East Cape, on to the Coromandel and back through Rotorua and Taupo it’s been a…
Doing the rounds at the moment is a UK Sunday Star Times story about an undercover operation at an Amazon warehouse. Basically the reporter discovered terrible working conditions, very high demands on staff and not allowance for sick days…
The always informative (if generally technophobic) Mr Raf over at Sustento gave me a heads up about Nabuur. In their own words Nabuur seeks to be; an online volunteering platform that links Neighbours (online volunteers) with Villages (local communities)…
This will just be a quick announcement – a fuller review with some competitor information will be over on CloudAve tomorrow but I thought I’d give notice of a new startup which flicked the “on” switch a few hours…
Over on Geekzone Mauricio wants to send someone into space. Here on Diversity we’re not up to that level (yet) but we do want to send someone to the bleeding edge. I’m a firm believer in the Net PC…
Now I’m not going to wade into a discussion about the health-risks or otherwise of cellphone towers. I’m not qualified to comment and I really don’t have the appetite for the fight those sorts of discussions invariably turn into.…