A recent trend in the enterprise cloud space has seen the rise of application marketplaces. The theory goes that enterprises end users have a plethora of different application requirements, so enabling IT to stand up an enterprise version of the Apple AppStore of Google Play store allows employees to enjoy the ease of use […]

Ben Kepes

Ben Kepes is a technology evangelist, an investor, a commentator and a business adviser. Ben covers the convergence of technology, mobile, ubiquity and agility, all enabled by the Cloud. His areas of interest extend to enterprise software, software integration, financial/accounting software, platforms and infrastructure as well as articulating technology simply for everyday users.

1 Comment
  • Seems like a lock-in play to Pure and an ISV channel play. “where people can browse various enterprise applications that have been vetted to run on the PureFlex and PureApplications systems”.


    “Visitors to www-01.ibm.com/software/brandcatalog/puresystems/centre”>the PureSystems Centre website will find more than 150 applications from IBM and third-party ISVs that are “optimized” to run on the new PureSystems servers, including the PureFlex systems (which use Power7 and X86 processors and run operating systems and hypervisors) and the PureApplications systems (which only feature X86 processors and are preloaded with DB2 and WebSphere).”

    Source: http://www.itjungle.com/tfh/tfh041612-story03.html

    For a true, on-premise enterprise app store with no lock-in or dependencies, I would recommend the open source WSO2 Enterprise Store http://wso2.com/products/enterprise-store/

    Disclaimer: I work with WSO2.

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