After my post about the Google brain drain, a friend sent me this slideshow of the Google Zurich campus.

I’m sitting in my office and thinking what I’d do if I was firmly ensconced at Google – would I stay…. or would I go?

What’d you do?

Ben Kepes

Ben Kepes is a technology evangelist, an investor, a commentator and a business adviser. Ben covers the convergence of technology, mobile, ubiquity and agility, all enabled by the Cloud. His areas of interest extend to enterprise software, software integration, financial/accounting software, platforms and infrastructure as well as articulating technology simply for everyday users.

  • Maybe it’s the hereditary Calvanist in me, but I find this bizarre and obsecenely extravangant. The culture implied by this will be hard to shift when, as ineveitably it does, times get tough, and costs have to be cut. This hardly encourages lean thinking. I couldn’t work here.

  • Looks like a boutique hotel. You wouldn’t want to go home really.

    We have table football and tennis but otherwise its pretty much 1970s chic at the Metawealth centre 🙂

  • which reminds me raf – when do i get an invite for lunch at the meta-plex … mean you don’t have a corporate chef already? sacre bleu – what good that NZTE grant after all….

  • We do have a chef…Branton! We had a board meeting today and Branton cooked for us all afterwards. Organic burgers and steamed greens.

    Invite on the way for lunch!

  • Organic burgers and steamed greens? You guys are a little google-esqe after all!

  • Falafulu Fisi |

    Jim said…
    Maybe it’s the hereditary Calvanist in me, but I find this bizarre and obsecenely extravangant. The culture implied by this will be hard to shift when, as ineveitably it does, times get tough, and costs have to be cut.

    Absolutely agreed with Jim here. One just has to look at the fall of Google’s stock price from its peak value (~$700) during the final quarter of last year (2007) to today’s value. It has dropped almost 50% to ~$400 and this sort of extravangant at workplace makes investors uncomfortable.

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