Big ups to ReadWriteWeb who along with GigaOm and VentureBeat are contributing to the New York Times‘ technology section. It’s a great win for a New Zealand blog (well OK of the RWW writers, only Richard (and on the odd occasion that I contribute to RWW myself)) hail from New Zealand – but if we don’t claim it the Aussies will so it seems best.
It’s also interesting in light of the Technorati survey which TechCrunch tells us indicates that a blog with 100k uniques per month should earn around USD75k. Does that mean Richard is pulling in USD900k a month with his 1.2million uniques? Do tell Richard!
Of course I’m pretty dubious about old media – I’m currently involved in a project that involves new and old media getting along – so far my experience is that it’s very much a one way street – old media is more than happy to have content from people who actually understand this stuff. However "partnerships" with old media tend to be fairly one way – which is why publications like Idealog start up that verticalise media without the old/new demarcation.
So anyway – I’ll not tell the story again – suffice it to say we’re proud of the quiet chap beavering away from a suburban house in Lower Hutt – give us a year or two and there’ll be another hyper successful New Zealand run blog!