Those who call ourselves early adopters have a tendency to sign up to services on a regular basis. If I think about where my own content sits – I have images in Picasa, Flickr and Facebook. Documents in Google Drive, DropBox, Box and Syncplicity, contacts in at least a couple of dozen services etc etc. At the moment my way of dealing with that is to simply remember where things are and hope that I don’t drop any of the balls I’m juggling – there simply has to be a better way.

That’s the challenge that Primadesk has taken on – Primadesk is a service that allows people to view and manage all of their content (be it email, photos, documents, etc.,) in one place. It allows them to also copy content from one service to another. The idea being that Primadesk is the “single pane of glass” that gives access to all content in one place – it allows a central console into cloud content with the ability to edit, move and share from within the console. It also gives users a single access point for all their individual services as users only need to login to Primadesk itself which then authenticates across all connected services. Primadesk is following a freemium model – their paid offering allows backup of online content.




Primadesk seems like one of those great ideas that you just know will never fly. While the idea of being able to easily move photos between web services, or share documents between different storage offerings sounds good – the fact is that it’s a product without a market. Consumers are unlikely to pay for a backup service and enterprises are going to run a mile before they give a third party service access to all of their user’s data. It’s one thing getting DropBox viral uptake within the enterprise (and that’s challenging enough as it is) but getting uptake for a product that ties together so many different services? I’d say nearly impossible.

Primadesk is a good example of a business that is built looking at a product opportunity rather than a market opportunity – while it’s a cool idea and all – it just ain’t going to fly.

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Ben Kepes

Ben Kepes is a technology evangelist, an investor, a commentator and a business adviser. Ben covers the convergence of technology, mobile, ubiquity and agility, all enabled by the Cloud. His areas of interest extend to enterprise software, software integration, financial/accounting software, platforms and infrastructure as well as articulating technology simply for everyday users.

  • Wow! I just signed up for Primadesk – I’m one of your ‘early adopters’ – and I was stunned to see WebShots is still around. Thanks to Primadesk I realised I had stuff lying around the net and cleaned it up! Though I’m not sure what use Primadesk really is to me, I certainly won’t be buying a subscription to something I can do with (or their look-alikes).

    • @schultzter Thanks for using Primadesk. IFTTT is a great service and has a different angle than Primadesk. Here are some of the features that we have that IFTTT does not have (to name just a few) :

      1) Searching across all your online content with a single search
      2) Sharing files right from your desktop
      3) Backing up important documents.

      We have lot of respect for IFTTT so get us wrong but our two services are somewhat different.

  • Heard good thinks about this service but still looking around for a few alternatives. any suggestions?

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