On November 3rd the NZ stock exchange will be hosting a one day seminar looking at capital raising issues for NZ tech companies.
Clearly given that it’s run by the NZX the emphasis will be on IPO’s. I wouldn’t imagine there will be much discussion of boot-strapping, VC or Angel investors but it will still be a very useful session for those contemplating capital raising.
Saturday 3 November 2007 (9.30am – 4.30pm) with registration from 9am at the Illott Theatre, Wellington Convention Centre.
I won’t be there (why do these things never happen in Christchurch?) but anyone in Wellington on that day should go along.
How many tech companies have IPO’d here? It might be better looking at why capital is so hard to raise for any tech company. Also why would a company raise money here when the value of tech companies is better understood overseas.
We’re great at developing new technology but not very good at taking it further. If we could remedy that situation then we might be able to create some local wealth instead of selling it off overseas.
Maybe we can get together and have a “conference” in High St? 🙂
You might be onto something there Raf……..
And in terms of remedying the situation – building business capability – not the techy “working in the business” stuff but the boring, yet transformational “working on the business” stuff….
Interesting looking seminar it is.
Some of the best recent examples of tech floats have of course gone directly to the Aussie bourse or even UK, or else secured private investment or trade sale from abroad. The NZX does need to do some soul-searching on this front.
I’m convinced that our distance to global capital markets is one of the leading constraints on growth in our tech sector. We actually need fresh capital coming in from outside to kickstart the investment cycle. That means building and leveraging meaningful networks offshore.
Angel HQ is underway in Wellington to provide seed capital to promising tech ventures and the NZX is obviously keen to be involved too. That’s great but the pool of local technology investors (who understand and can deal with the risk profile) is quite limited.